summary of the booklet
The corruption Jesus-Christ God Bacchus / Dionysos of wine, "divine" "spirit""spiritual", of alcohol
who has never existed
Evidence on the basis of lies, corruption "Jesus Christ" new Bacchus God of wine, and that has never existed, in 40 points, reasons
Reasons on the character Jesus-Christ without looking at its physiology
The meaning of its name, Jesus-Christ, God Bacchus, the archetypal symbol of the corruption
The supernatural mythical manufacturing of bribe of the god Bacchus Jésus-Christ : the biggest proof of its not existence
the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bacchus promoting the corruption of the building and bread lobbies
Meaning of the word miracle word in Greek another proof of the inversion of the good and the evil by J-C
The false proof of the metamorphosis of Jesus Christ, glittering with light = > Lucifer, proves that he has never existed
Its promotion and its practice of the prayer, corrupt shaman "divine" rite proves that Jesus Christ has never existed
The stupid sign of presence of the "son of the man" Jesus Christ, corrupter, proves that he has never existed
Proofs of the physical imperfection of Jesus Christ said perfect, thus that he has never existed
Jesus-Christ said perfect, was circumcised, mutilated génitalement, thus it proves that he has never existed
the character Jesus Christ said perfect, had beard hair, so it proves that he was imperfect and never existed
Jesus-christ medium, support of financial corruption, so prooves he never existed
The character Jesus praises by a parable a financial cheater servant that he calls wise
The proof of the not existence of Jesus Christ by its apology of the cult of the maximum of money, and in more by the risk
"Jesus Christ" accepts that a woman washes his feet with very expensive perfume => incites to the financial corruption
the corruption about the advice of Jesus-Christ about relation with others proves that he has never existed
To say that it is normal to be persecuted for the justice is a proof that this god of the wine Jesus Christ has never existed
the corrupted advice to be put in jail because of its name proves that Jesus Christ, god of wine has never existed
corruption of Jesus-Christ obvious with his advice to aim the other cheek when we are struck => he has never existed
reasons to prove that Jesus-Christ God Bacchus of wine, has never existed in 6 other areas
critic of hypocrisy, lie of Bacchus, Jesus-Christ in connection with the animal kingdom
His contempt of intelligence and of the 5 senses proves that Jesus-christ (Bacchus) has never existed
Corrupt councils of Jesus-Christ for contempt of good culture of the soil = > J-C = god of wine and has never existed
His contempt of the good botanical species proves that Jesus Christ is a god of the corruption and that he has never existed
The corruption worthy of a god of wine, of advice, actions of health or miracles of Jesus, proves that he has never existed
The contempt of the true couple and the parental good advice prove that Jesus-Christ god of the wine has never existed